Fraction and Decimals
Provides comprehensive explanation of fraction and decimal conversions in mathematics. Covers various topics related to fractions and decimals, such as how to convert fractions to decimals and vice versa, as well as how to simplify fractions and convert repeating decimals into fractions. It also includes clear examples and step-by-step instructions to aid understanding.
Designed to engage primary children!
Hints & explanation on all questions!
Adaptive difficulty
Browse Skills
Number and Algebra
- Comparing parts of a whole
- Half by modelling
- Identifying one half of a group
- K-Identifying one half of a group
- Recognising a half of a collection
- Recognising a half of object and shapes
- Selecting one half of a group
1st Grade Math
Math Explanation is an online resource that offers a wide range of math skills, lessons, and games for year 1 students. It covers various math topics, from basic arithmetic to advanced calculus, providing step-by-step solutions and explanations for different math problems.
ExploreNumber and Algebra
- Comparing fractions
- Decreasing number patterns
- Fractions as equal parts of a whole
- Fractions with denominators of 2, 4 and 8
- Modelling a half, quarter and an eighth of a collection
- Modelling a half, quarter and an eighth of an object
- Problem solving involving fractions
- Recording and relating parts to a whole
- Understanding fractions as part of a whole
2nd Grade Math
Math Explanation is an online resource that offers a wide range of math skills, lessons, and games for year 2 students. It covers various math topics, from basic arithmetic to advanced calculus, providing step-by-step solutions and explanations for different math problems.
ExploreNumber and Algebra
- Comparing fractions
- Denominators which affects the value of the fraction
- Identifying fractions on a number line
- Identifying fractions with denominators of 1 to 10
- Identifying mixed numerals on a number line
- Interpreting the denominator as equal parts of a whole
- Recognising that fractions have parts that are equal
- Understanding and using fraction terms
3rd Grade Math
Math Explanation is an online resource that offers a wide range of math skills, lessons, and games for year 3 students. It covers various math topics, from basic arithmetic to advanced calculus, providing step-by-step solutions and explanations for different math problems.
ExploreNumber and Algebra
- Comparing fractions with denominators of 2, 3 & 6
- Comparing fractions with denominators of 2, 4 & 8
- Comparing fractions with denominators of 2, 5 & 10
- Conversion of money to decimal place
- Converting decimal to fractions
- Converting fractions to decimal
- Equivalent fractions with denominators of 2, 3 & 6
- Equivalent fractions with denominators of 2, 4 & 8
- Equivalent fractions with denominators of 2, 5 & 10
- Improper fractions
- Measurement conversion to decimal place
- Mixed numerals
- Place value to partition decimals
- Rounding decimals to the nearest whole number
- Tenths & Hundredths
4th Grade Math
Math Explanation is an online resource that offers a wide range of math skills, lessons, and games for year 4 students. It covers various math topics, from basic arithmetic to advanced calculus, providing step-by-step solutions and explanations for different math problems.
ExploreNumber and Algebra
- Addition with improper fractions
- Addition with proper fractions
- Arranging decimals in ascending order
- Arranging decimals in descending order
- Comparing decimals
- Comparing fractions with denominators 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 & 10
- Converting improper fractions to mixed numerals
- Converting mixed numerals into improper fractions
- Equivalent fractions Advance
- Equivalent fractions Basic
- Place value and decimals
- Simplifying fractions
- Subtraction involving fraction and mixed numerals
- Subtraction involving improper fractions
- Subtraction involving proper fractions
5th Grade Math
Math Explanation is an online resource that offers a wide range of math skills, lessons, and games for year 5 students. It covers various math topics, from basic arithmetic to advanced calculus, providing step-by-step solutions and explanations for different math problems.
ExploreNumber and Algebra
- Adding fractions
- Adding improper fractions
- Adding mixed fractions
- Converting fractions to decimals and percentages
- Converting from decimals to fractions and percentages
- Converting percentages to decimals and fractions
- Dividing decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1000
- Equivalent fractions
- Highest Common Factor
- Multiplying decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1000
- Multiplying decimals by 1 digit
- Ordering fractions
- Percentage multiplication
- Problem solving involving decimals
- Problem solving involving fractions
- Problem solving involving percentages
- Rounding off involving decimals
- Simplifying fractions
- Solving algorithm for addition involving decimals
- Solving algorithm for subtraction involving decimals
- Subtracting fractions
- Subtracting improper fractions
- Subtracting mixed numerals
6th Grade Math
Math Explanation is an online resource that offers a wide range of math skills, lessons, and games for year 6 students. It covers various math topics, from basic arithmetic to advanced calculus, providing step-by-step solutions and explanations for different math problems.
ExploreGet Math Explanation to effortlessly assign ranges based on skill level
The platform teaches different methods and techniques to solve problems and offers detailed explanations for each step. It also allows students to check their answers, see examples, and learn tips and tricks to improve their math skills.
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